Center for Biological Diversity

110 Success Stories for Endangered Species Day 2012


American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum)

Status: Delisted Critical habitat: 8/11/1977
Listed: 6/2/1970 Recovery plan: 6/30/1991

Range: AL(m), AK(b), AZ(b), AR(m), CA(b), CO(b), CT(b), DE(b), DC(m), GA(b), ID(b), IL(b), IN(b), IA(b), KS(m), KY(b), LA(m), ME(b), MD(b), MA(b), MI(b), MN(b), MS(m), MO(m), MT(b), NE(b), NV(b), NH(b), NY(b), NM(b), NJ(b), NC(b), ND(m), OH(b), OK(m), OR(b), PA(b), RI(b), SC(b), SD(b), TN(b), TX(b), UT(b), VT(b), VA(b), WA(b), WV(m), WI(b), WY(b) ---

The use of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides thinned American peregrine falcon eggshells, causing reproductive failure and population declines. The banning of DDT, captive-breeding efforts and nest protections allowed falcons to increase from 324 breeding pairs in 1975 to 3,005 pairs as of 2006. The species was delisted in 1999.


Arctic peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius)

Status: DelistedCritical habitat: none
Listed: 6/2/1970Recovery plan: 6/30/1991

Range: AL(m), AK(b), AZ(m), AR(m), CA(m), CO(m), CT(m), DE(m), DC(m), FL(m), GA(m), ID(m), IL(m), IN(m), IA(m), KS(m), KY(m), LA(m), ME(m), MD(m), MA(m), MI(m), MN(m), MS(m), MO(m), MT(m), NE(m), NV(m), NH(m), NY(m), NM(m), NJ(m), NC(m), ND(m), OH(m), OK(m), OR(m), PA(m), RI(m), SC(m), SD(m), TN(m), TX(m), UT(m), VT(m), VA(m), WA(m), WV(m), WI(m), WY(m) ---

The Arctic peregrine falcon declined due to the egg shell-thinning effects of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides. Its listing as an endangered species in 1970 (along with other birds of prey) prompted the EPA to ban DDT in 1972. Counts of migratory Arctic falcons increased from 103 in 1976, to 1,017 in 2004. The species was downlisted to threatened in 1984 and delisted in 1991.


Bald eagle (continental U.S. DPS) (Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Continental U.S. DPS))

Status: DelistedCritical habitat: none
Listed: 3/11/1967Recovery plan: 5/18/1999

Range: AL(b), AZ(b), AR(b), CA(b), CO(b), CT(b), DE(b), DC(b), FL(b), GA(b), ID(b), IL(b), IN(b), IA(b), KS(b), KY(b), LA(b), ME(b), MD(b), MA(b), MI(b), MN(b), MS(b), MO(b), MT(b), NE(b), NV(b), NH(b), NY(b), NM(b), NJ(b), NC(b), ND(b), OH(b), OK(b), OR(b), PA(b), RI(b), SC(b), SD(b), TN(b), TX(b), UT(b), VT(b), VA(b), WA(b), WV(b), WI(b), WY(b) ---

The bald eagle declined throughout the lower 48 states, and was extirpate from most of them due to habitat loss, persecution, and DDT-related eggshell thinning. The banning of DDT, increased wetland protection and restoration, and an aggressive, mostly state-based reintroduction program caused eagle pairs to soar from 416 in 1963 to 11,052 in 2007 when the eagle was removed from the endangered list.


California condor (Gymnogyps californianus)

Status: EndangeredCritical habitat: 9/24/1976
Listed: 3/11/1967Recovery plan: 4/25/1996

Range: AZ(b), CA(b) --- NV(x), OR(x), UT(x), WA(x)

The California condor was nearly driven extinct by DDT, lead poisoning from ingested bullet fragments, and hunting. Lead poisoning remains a major threat to the species. Wild condors declined to nine birds by 1985. A captive-breeding and release program has increased the population to 386 birds as of 2012, including 213 wild and 173 captive birds.


Cui-ui (Chasmistes cujus)

Status: EndangeredCritical habitat: none
Listed: 3/11/1967Recovery plan: 5/15/1992

Range: NV(b) ---

The Cui-ui, a fish found only in Pyramid Lake, Nev., declined due to agricultural diversions that led to a drop in lake levels. Though habitat, fish passage, water level management have improved, the cui-cui remains threatened by drought and diversions. Listed as endangered in 1967, the cui-ui increased from about 100,000 spawning adults in 1983 to more than 900,000 in 2011. Annual rates, however, are highly variable.


Gray wolf (Northern Rockies DPS) (Canis lupus (Northern Rockies DPS))

Status: EndangeredCritical habitat: none
Listed: 3/11/1967Recovery plan: 8/3/1987

Range: ID(b), MT(b), eastern OR(b), eastern WA(b), WY(b), northern UT(o)


Gray wolves were purposefully hunted, trapped and poisoned to near extinction in the western United States, often by the federal government or with the encouragement of private and state bounties. By 1973, no wild wolves remained in the region. They were listed as endangered in 1967 and began  recolonizing the Northern Rocky Mountains from Canada in the early 1980s. Due to prohibition of killing, habitat protection, and reintroductions, the population grew rapidly, was downlisted in 2003, reached 1,679 wolves by 2009, and was delisted in 2011.


Pahrump poolfish (Empetrichthys latos)

Status: EndangeredCritical habitat: none
Listed: 3/11/1967Recovery plan: 3/17/1980

Range: NV(b) ---

The Pahrump poolfish is endemic to Manse Spring, Nevada, but was removed when the spring began to dry up. It is threatened by water pumping, water pollution, vandalism, exotic species, and being dependent upon human pool maintenance. It was listed as an endangered species 1967. In 1971 only 29 fish remained. New populations were created, managament was improved and between 2007 and 2010, the population averaged 17,145 fish.